2 November 2018


You're a shinning
Perfect round
Little pill 
All white and inocent
Truthful in its
Apparent simplicity
You're all i ever wanted 
Though i know
Deep down
You are not real
- You are actually
A total phoney 
And yet i take you
I trust and taste you
I swallow you 
Way down my guts 
And believe
I feel better already 
All fresh and beautiful
And again gay
Oh how i longed 
For this miracle 
Oh how i hoped 
For this love 
Life is so wonderful
Until i remember
You are nothing
But a poor pale 
Tasteless placebo
And all the sickness

Lies in you.

26 August 2018

A tampinha

A minha amiga tem uma tampinha
Uma tampinha que lhe dá
O poder da salvação
E uma ansiedade de morte.
A minha amiga tem uma tampinha
Que é uma dor dilacerante
E um milagre da ciência.
A minha amiga tem uma tampinha
Porque é moderna
E porque tem um medo intemporal.
A minha amiga tem uma tampinha
Que lhe dá vida porque funciona
Mas que pode avariar...
A minha amiga tem uma tampinha,
Uma marca de fogo feita de plástico e bites e cenas...
A minha amiga tem uma tampinha
Porque a vida não é justa.
Mas não é por causa da merda da tampinha que é minha amiga!

Para a Catarina.

The Shape of Love

When we first saw it
It looked funny
Sometimes stupid
Sometimes cold
It was often very distant
But again warm and bold
We tried it messy
We tried it sweet
We made it spin and split
We put it all back together
Adding bits and pieces
Giving some away
Getting new props
Throwing out odds and ends
Following trends
Rejecting norms
We're still working on it
Still growing and exploring it
We'll never stop making it
Playing to find
The shape of love
Till death do us part
And ever more and beyond.

To my baby. 💗

16 July 2018


Born in a cage
Wearing a straightjacket
Chained to our walls
Choking as we breathe
We are prisoners
Of our imagination
Media captives
We think we wonder
We think we're free
We are but fools
Trapped in our global folly
Hostages of liberty
We are children
Forever waiting to be born
And trapped

13 February 2018

A minha vida

A minha vida tem poesia
Tem flores de todas as cores
Tem perfumes
Tem sabores
A minha vida tem nódoas de vinho
Nas toalhas de mesa e nos lençóis
A minha vida tem amores
Amigos do peito
Gelo para as negras dores
A minha vida tem festa
Tem perucas, personagens
E muitas gargalhadas a dançar
Muitos mergulhos
Tanto mar
A minha vida tem sal
E açúcar e pimenta
E azeite virgem
Tequilla do México
Vodka polaca
E rum da Venezuela
A minha vida tem panquecas
E sol a entrar pela janela
A minha vida tem viagens
Muitos paraísos, alguns infernos
A minha vida tem calor
E o frio da saudade
Tem carinho
Tem verdade
A minha vida não é minha
Mas eu faço parte dela.

6 February 2018

I breathe you

I breathe you
Between my demons
Struggling with yours
I breathe you
I feel through you
I know you more
Than you'll ever sense
You inhale
I catch my breath
I breathe you
As life passes by
You grow (in) me
I breathe you
As the world goes mad
I nest unrested
Your heart is my cocoon
Outside noisy doom
I breathe you
Learn yang
Give yin
It's all we've got left
I breathe you
If you stop
I'm dead.

2 February 2018


In painful white noise.
Burning skin.
Too much light.
Too much everything.
- Keep pushing!
Blurred sight
And the tremendous effort
Of moving nothing.
Push more!
Remains of body parts
That are no more
- Maybe they never were.
What a mess...
The world hurts
The life inside.
One last push!

10 January 2018


When holy creeps get free
All we need is the air that we breathe.

3 January 2018

I miss you
But you are already there.
You were always essential
But I suddenly need to recall.
I feel you inside me
But I know you're too far.
You bring me calm and peace
But I think I'm in trouble again.
I am lost without you
But that's not even true!
And it's none of the above
Or maybe just the opposite.
I'd say I'm in love...
Oh give me a break, please!