29 June 2017

Da Jubilação (ou O Antídoto)

Hoje jubilei-me.
Deixei tudo para trás
E segui
Mais leve
E com mais peso.
Lancei-me no vazio
E voei
Em queda livre.
Larguei o que construí
E tornei-me monumento.
Rejeitei o que acumulei
E transformei-me em riqueza.
Hoje jubilei-me
De mim próprio.
Chorei de alívio
E sorri em frente.

22 June 2017

In times of crisis

In times of crisis
People are wiser
In their madness
They are stronger
In their weakness
They are happier
In their misery

In times of crisis
People are richer
In their loss
They are focused
In their confusion
They are open
In their defense

In time of crisis
People are generous
In their darkness
They are good
In their evil
They are sweet
In their sorrow
They are tranquil
In their anxiety

In time of crisis
People are human
And its opposite
(Which is the same).