I met someone.
This is a funny scentence... :) You meet many people in your life. But when you say "I met someone" it's just different. Well, I did.
I've been having a full life. Lots of good experiences, wonderful peopl
e, beautiful places... But when you meet someone it's always special. It looks like all your life can be reduced to that tiny moment. It's like being ran over by a car (believe me, I know what I'm talking about). You rapidly rewind your all life in a couple of seconds to then wake up and feel terribly happy just because you're still there. And it feels so good! (Don't go triyng to be run over by cars now, reader! I am talking about falling in love.) Because it is the most sublime way to taste life. You meet lots of people in your life. Even fall in love with many. But there are only a certain few with the gift to make you feel alive, with the gift to touch you without hurting.
My life has been full, all right. Full of love. From my lovely looney family to my dear friends and all the either wonderful or goofy lovers I might have had, I've been having a happy life. There are often times when I think "If I die now, I die happy!". This might be a very extreme dramatic thought (here I go being dramatic...). It is a very relaxing quiet one too and I hope I'll have it often throughout life. It reminds me things like being sitted at the top of this huge tall ship's mast, looking down to the large calm waves passing beneath the boat and feeling the swinging sunset on my face. As someone really important once told me, happiness is not a state, it's a process. Being happy is, above all, being yourself and enjoying it. "Porque una es más auténtica cuanto más se parece a lo que ha soñado de si misma" (Agrado, Todo Sobre Mi Madre, 1999).
Today, friends were having dinner chez moi. I look at the table and see lots of glasses, dirty dishes, empty bottles... God, it feels good! Finally home. Finally back to life, to me. Some human disappointments have recently occured in my life. My latest love experiences were not so lovable... I was so scared of loosing myself on the deception, of loosing my faith in life and in love. But then this salty breeze swept my path, leaving a clear trail of hope and understanding behind. How can a total stranger change your life so completely in just a few hours?! How can you be so happy just for falling in love? Then I realized, it wasn't him, this stranger... It's me. What I could see in/ through him because of all the beautiful people I carry with me, from which he is now part too. I recovered my faith, my inspiration, my will. I recovered my life for he had the gift to put it right in front of my eyes! (Or I had the gift to put him right in front of my eyes! Which was not difficult...) I am eternally grateful for that. That man is now part of my home too. And yet, he came in and out of my life like that fresh salty breeze early on a summer foggy morning.
So friends were here, willing to listen, willing to speak, willing to care and be cared about. New friends, old friends, people I love and respect and trust. People who are part of me and whose life affects mine in every way. There we were eating my Carbonara, drinking rose and smoking cigarretes while I would moan about my new state of grace. I sigh, they smile, I laugh, they smile, I cry, they smile again... And I get by with a little help from my friends.
I realized all I want is salty breeze people, really. People who stay around even when they're not there, people who guide you whithout even understanding they do, people who take time to listen to your nonsenses and are not affraid to tell you when you're being stupid, people you like to listen to, people who become part of your own personality, people who you admire secretly to find out one day they admire you too! Above all, we are the people we meet. And the only thing we can control in life is the importance we give to each and every one of them, those we should absorb and those we should ignore.
All I wish is to continue persuing that salty breeze that keeps me sailing through life.
This is a funny scentence... :) You meet many people in your life. But when you say "I met someone" it's just different. Well, I did.
I've been having a full life. Lots of good experiences, wonderful peopl

My life has been full, all right. Full of love. From my lovely looney family to my dear friends and all the either wonderful or goofy lovers I might have had, I've been having a happy life. There are often times when I think "If I die now, I die happy!". This might be a very extreme dramatic thought (here I go being dramatic...). It is a very relaxing quiet one too and I hope I'll have it often throughout life. It reminds me things like being sitted at the top of this huge tall ship's mast, looking down to the large calm waves passing beneath the boat and feeling the swinging sunset on my face. As someone really important once told me, happiness is not a state, it's a process. Being happy is, above all, being yourself and enjoying it. "Porque una es más auténtica cuanto más se parece a lo que ha soñado de si misma" (Agrado, Todo Sobre Mi Madre, 1999).
Today, friends were having dinner chez moi. I look at the table and see lots of glasses, dirty dishes, empty bottles... God, it feels good! Finally home. Finally back to life, to me. Some human disappointments have recently occured in my life. My latest love experiences were not so lovable... I was so scared of loosing myself on the deception, of loosing my faith in life and in love. But then this salty breeze swept my path, leaving a clear trail of hope and understanding behind. How can a total stranger change your life so completely in just a few hours?! How can you be so happy just for falling in love? Then I realized, it wasn't him, this stranger... It's me. What I could see in/ through him because of all the beautiful people I carry with me, from which he is now part too. I recovered my faith, my inspiration, my will. I recovered my life for he had the gift to put it right in front of my eyes! (Or I had the gift to put him right in front of my eyes! Which was not difficult...) I am eternally grateful for that. That man is now part of my home too. And yet, he came in and out of my life like that fresh salty breeze early on a summer foggy morning.
So friends were here, willing to listen, willing to speak, willing to care and be cared about. New friends, old friends, people I love and respect and trust. People who are part of me and whose life affects mine in every way. There we were eating my Carbonara, drinking rose and smoking cigarretes while I would moan about my new state of grace. I sigh, they smile, I laugh, they smile, I cry, they smile again... And I get by with a little help from my friends.
I realized all I want is salty breeze people, really. People who stay around even when they're not there, people who guide you whithout even understanding they do, people who take time to listen to your nonsenses and are not affraid to tell you when you're being stupid, people you like to listen to, people who become part of your own personality, people who you admire secretly to find out one day they admire you too! Above all, we are the people we meet. And the only thing we can control in life is the importance we give to each and every one of them, those we should absorb and those we should ignore.
All I wish is to continue persuing that salty breeze that keeps me sailing through life.
I think it's a very good goal to persuit! One can never ask too much some people say, but in fact happiness is something we're entitled to. Happiness wraped in such things as the people we meet, the people that are in fact part of us "shaping" our understanding of life. Maybe because of that some people don't go after "happiness", maybe because people were taught by others, by the people they met, not to pursue it. We must be thankfull to the greatness of the people that surround us, and thankfull to ourselves because relationships are not a "one way" path...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad we can link our life to so much things like you do in this post...
Here's to the salty breeze people ;) and let's keep on sailing... thanks for the ride! Luv u