Sim, que és bonita, menina!
Sim, que as tuas lágrimas deslizam reluzentes
Pelo teu rosto pequenino e inteligente.
Sim, que te brilham os olhos azuis
Sob as montanhas do esforço do teu sofrimento.
Sim, que te dói a alma grande de menina
Com a força do vento e do mundo.
Sim, que queres partir o avião
E tens todo o direito de o querer!
Sim, que te ajudo se a vontade persistir.
Sim, que me encantas e afliges
E me fazes esquecer da vida toda.
Havia de ser proibida tanta dor
No peito de uma menina bonita!
Sim, que compreendo
Que, lá por seres menina,
Também tens o direito de te encheres de raiva.
Mas não de dor, oh menina!
E, sim, que aterramos.
E as palmas e sinetas patetas
Te empurraram o riso escondido.
Sim, ri, ri, oh menina!
Ri e não partas o avião!
Ri, e deixa o riso correr
Que já temos os pés no chão.
Ri, menina, que eu rio contigo.
Sim, ri, oh menina,
Que és tão mais bonita a rir!
22 February 2010
16 February 2010
You hear nothing but a monotonous background hum. Not even silence is pure...
You look out. Distorted figures around your concave dome. Colours flow. Eyes wide open. You stare but you don't move. You flow static in the still water. No temperature. No touch. No thoughts. Only little spasms that keep you awake and standing.
Someone or something comes closer. Outside reality is thick. Everything looks so exaggeratedly huge. Or is it small? Reality moves. What you see moves. Everything keeps moving. Only you stand still, staring inside this immense claustriphobic aquarium.
You try to move... Where to? Too small? You can't reach. You hear but you don't listen. The warm sound of voices dilutes in the quiet water. You look but you don't see. As the images continue to move disorderly in this huddle of blurred colours and shapes. You cry. But you can't feel tears coming out of your eyes (what eyes?) as they confound with the tepid impassive surrounding.
You stay. Blank. Lifeless. Resigned? You don't remember what it is to be out. You. You aren't even sure if you ever...
You hear nothing but a monotonous background hum. Not even silence is pure...

Someone or something comes closer. Outside reality is thick. Everything looks so exaggeratedly huge. Or is it small? Reality moves. What you see moves. Everything keeps moving. Only you stand still, staring inside this immense claustriphobic aquarium.
You try to move... Where to? Too small? You can't reach. You hear but you don't listen. The warm sound of voices dilutes in the quiet water. You look but you don't see. As the images continue to move disorderly in this huddle of blurred colours and shapes. You cry. But you can't feel tears coming out of your eyes (what eyes?) as they confound with the tepid impassive surrounding.
You stay. Blank. Lifeless. Resigned? You don't remember what it is to be out. You. You aren't even sure if you ever...
7 February 2010
The Giant
Once upon a time, in a very far away place, lived an enormous happy giant.
The giant lived up in a very tall thin mountain, inside a small cave, where no one else could fit.
Every now and then, the giant would come out and try to find friends. But, as people were very affraid of this immense creature, as soon as they'd feel the sound of huge steps coming closer, they would run to the tiny wholes in the mountains where they lived. Still, the giant kept trying.
There had been some curious people before, who had spent some time having fun with this happy friendly creature. But for some reason, they would always end up disappearing... And so the happy giant would feel sad and lonely and would stay locked inside the small cave.
Once inside alone, the small cave felt narrow and dismaying. Only the ants would come for tea and cookies sometimes and say to the giant: "yes, what you really need is a friend. but you are so big and scary! how will you ever find someone who loves you as you are? you need huge love!!!" And so the giant would cry a bit to then try to shrink. Anything would do: heavy furniture on the head, walking on the knees, dress tight clothes... But all those things seemed stupid and painful and uncomfortable. So, after some time, the giant would forget about these stupid shrinking methods suggested by the silly ants. "What would they know, anyway?! They are such tiny silly creatures!", the giant would think.
And the giant would go outside again, happy and hopeful that, this time, there would be someone to talk to.
But these strolls kept repeating and nothing would happen. No one seemed to be interested in being the friend of a giant. And the giant would go back to the cave feeling lonelier every day. Soon the giant understood there would be no one wanting to share huge love in a small cave. Not managing and not wanting to shrink anymore, the giant decided to forget this idea of finding a friend and dedicated instead to scientific research and artistic experiences.
One day, this very nice beautiful young man showed up to the giant's cave. It was someone the giant had met before... The man came in and had some tea and cookies with the giant. This time, the ants weren't invited because the giant was affraid they could be inconvenient. They talked and laughed together. Suddenly, the small cave didn't seem so small. Actually. they were both very comfortable in it. The man stayed for dinner. And to sleep. And oh it felt so nice and warm to have company in bed! The giant was as happy as ever!!!
During the night, the man touched the giant. They kissed passionately and made love. Overwhelmed and confused, the giant seemed to be shrinking. Under this beautiful man's weight, the giant's shapes began to round and smooth; soft clear skin was now covering them. The giant's eyes turned big and wide. And the lips were now succulent and wet and a fine voice would come out of them whenever the giant tried to talk. What was going on?! How was it possible that the giant seemed to be turning into a normal woman?!
As the man left, the happy and confused giant looked at the mirror and all there was was a nice beatiful young girl standing. And so the giant realised she had always been just a woman. And it had been those silly ants and the sissy people she had met before that made her feel she was a huge fearful creature! And becoming affraid of herself... She remembered now as she longed for the man to come back. She was just a woman and she had just found love again.
And the only giant in her life was her own enormous happy heart.
The giant lived up in a very tall thin mountain, inside a small cave, where no one else could fit.
Every now and then, the giant would come out and try to find friends. But, as people were very affraid of this immense creature, as soon as they'd feel the sound of huge steps coming closer, they would run to the tiny wholes in the mountains where they lived. Still, the giant kept trying.
There had been some curious people before, who had spent some time having fun with this happy friendly creature. But for some reason, they would always end up disappearing... And so the happy giant would feel sad and lonely and would stay locked inside the small cave.
Once inside alone, the small cave felt narrow and dismaying. Only the ants would come for tea and cookies sometimes and say to the giant: "yes, what you really need is a friend. but you are so big and scary! how will you ever find someone who loves you as you are? you need huge love!!!" And so the giant would cry a bit to then try to shrink. Anything would do: heavy furniture on the head, walking on the knees, dress tight clothes... But all those things seemed stupid and painful and uncomfortable. So, after some time, the giant would forget about these stupid shrinking methods suggested by the silly ants. "What would they know, anyway?! They are such tiny silly creatures!", the giant would think.
And the giant would go outside again, happy and hopeful that, this time, there would be someone to talk to.
But these strolls kept repeating and nothing would happen. No one seemed to be interested in being the friend of a giant. And the giant would go back to the cave feeling lonelier every day. Soon the giant understood there would be no one wanting to share huge love in a small cave. Not managing and not wanting to shrink anymore, the giant decided to forget this idea of finding a friend and dedicated instead to scientific research and artistic experiences.
One day, this very nice beautiful young man showed up to the giant's cave. It was someone the giant had met before... The man came in and had some tea and cookies with the giant. This time, the ants weren't invited because the giant was affraid they could be inconvenient. They talked and laughed together. Suddenly, the small cave didn't seem so small. Actually. they were both very comfortable in it. The man stayed for dinner. And to sleep. And oh it felt so nice and warm to have company in bed! The giant was as happy as ever!!!
During the night, the man touched the giant. They kissed passionately and made love. Overwhelmed and confused, the giant seemed to be shrinking. Under this beautiful man's weight, the giant's shapes began to round and smooth; soft clear skin was now covering them. The giant's eyes turned big and wide. And the lips were now succulent and wet and a fine voice would come out of them whenever the giant tried to talk. What was going on?! How was it possible that the giant seemed to be turning into a normal woman?!
As the man left, the happy and confused giant looked at the mirror and all there was was a nice beatiful young girl standing. And so the giant realised she had always been just a woman. And it had been those silly ants and the sissy people she had met before that made her feel she was a huge fearful creature! And becoming affraid of herself... She remembered now as she longed for the man to come back. She was just a woman and she had just found love again.
And the only giant in her life was her own enormous happy heart.
1 February 2010
To Touch
Touch is the most powerfull language in the world. Among humans or other animal species, touch is how you really express yourself, towards the other and yourself. To touch is good and healthy. From tenderly embracing your dear friend, to firmely hold with desire the one you love or accuratly punch your provocative rival in the face. To touch is to get closer. To touch is vital!
But touch is also a social tabu. You are not supposed to touch much. Just enough... Which is usually far from what would be a good daily dosage of touching! At work, you shake hands politely, at a considerable distance from the other. At home, you greet mom and dad with a rapid kiss; you might eventually hug your brother or sister once in a while... With your friends you share timid hugs in public. Fortunately, in private, this is often different.
A friend of mine living in the US once told me about this father who was disturbed by the police after a call from his neighbours, suspicious about the man's behaviour with his child. They were rolling and screaming - i.e. playing - in the frontdoor garden!
When I was a little girl, a good slap on my butt would be very clarifying about what I could or could not do. Today, one can constantly watch kids screaming violently at their moms and dads, who scream back to them or simply ignore them.
Another friend, not used to touch among her family, was once completely estatic between my arms, thankfully embrassing her.
My own family gets upset when my friends come to sleep with me, even knowing I praise those warm nights that fill me with the joy of knowing I am not alone
You search for "touch" on Google and you come out with a long list of gadgets...
Touching is still socially repressed, regarded mostly as indecorous or perverse (or a digital tool! go figure...). A portuguese journalist once stated that sex seems to have replaced intimacy, to a point that people even fear the latter and the wonderful explosion of love and fun that the combination of both can be!
And although sex is trivial, when it comes to touching our own bodies things are not that simple. You are not affraid to grow fur on the palm of your hands anymore but you still feel embarrassed about sharing intimacy with yourself. Everybody does it but no one talks about it. And those to who embarrassement has managed to castrate their natural self-love sadly feel insecure about their own bodies.
Not touching is like living away from ourselves... And, therefore, from others.
To touch is a blessing, sometimes a miracle.
But touch is also a social tabu. You are not supposed to touch much. Just enough... Which is usually far from what would be a good daily dosage of touching! At work, you shake hands politely, at a considerable distance from the other. At home, you greet mom and dad with a rapid kiss; you might eventually hug your brother or sister once in a while... With your friends you share timid hugs in public. Fortunately, in private, this is often different.
A friend of mine living in the US once told me about this father who was disturbed by the police after a call from his neighbours, suspicious about the man's behaviour with his child. They were rolling and screaming - i.e. playing - in the frontdoor garden!
When I was a little girl, a good slap on my butt would be very clarifying about what I could or could not do. Today, one can constantly watch kids screaming violently at their moms and dads, who scream back to them or simply ignore them.
Another friend, not used to touch among her family, was once completely estatic between my arms, thankfully embrassing her.
My own family gets upset when my friends come to sleep with me, even knowing I praise those warm nights that fill me with the joy of knowing I am not alone
You search for "touch" on Google and you come out with a long list of gadgets...
Touching is still socially repressed, regarded mostly as indecorous or perverse (or a digital tool! go figure...). A portuguese journalist once stated that sex seems to have replaced intimacy, to a point that people even fear the latter and the wonderful explosion of love and fun that the combination of both can be!
And although sex is trivial, when it comes to touching our own bodies things are not that simple. You are not affraid to grow fur on the palm of your hands anymore but you still feel embarrassed about sharing intimacy with yourself. Everybody does it but no one talks about it. And those to who embarrassement has managed to castrate their natural self-love sadly feel insecure about their own bodies.
Not touching is like living away from ourselves... And, therefore, from others.
To touch is a blessing, sometimes a miracle.
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