So much for easy going understanding sweet tranquil moderate reasonable attitude! Been to hell. Furious with the world, with time, space, people, feelings, internet, work, families, friends, pets, men, woman, children, elder, disabled, retarded, bushes, bycicles, birdies, fruits in trees, sunshine and rain drops... Birth.

Park car, pretend to talk on the phone as approaching building (whores in the area don't really attract the best crowd), take old blue lift, slide doors, press 3. Going up. 1, 2, stop. Open door, jacket off, scarf off, boots off, dress, tights, underware. All out! Winter cold and still hot. Mobile. Dial emergency number. The monster was about to be delivered!!!
Screams, hair pulls, contractions, tears, pain, anger, clenched teeth, bloodshot eyes, closed fists, veins about to burst, heart pumping... Pump. Pump! Don't stop. Contraction. Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! Screams, punches, violent pushes. Contraction. Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! Don't stop. Sweat it all out. Out! Contraction. Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! Laughs, tears, laughs again, tears, tears, tears. Laughs. Let it all out! Ugly skin, smelly hair, dirty nails, rotting teeth: ALL OUT! PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHH!!!
Light. Smile.
We're not alone.
Outside, a storm. All wind, thunder and hail...